domingo, 13 de abril de 2014


La Corporación de Estudios Tecnológicos del Norte del Valle 
was born thanks to the efforts of outstanding people from the city of Cartago.  Civic representatives like Mr. Jesus Ernesto Aulestia, Dr. Alfonso Delgado Arango and His Excellency Bishop Joseph Gabriel Calderon, all working together for a common  purpose, which was to expand the possibilities for social, technical, moral and cultural development of the student s in the community in an area of influence such as the southwest Quindiano, Risaralda, Chocó and logically El Norte del Valle.

The Act 30 of 1992 authorizes the Higher Education Institutions approved to extend or open new academic programs. In 1995, following the guidelines of the Act 30 of 1992, the Board approved the creation of Technology in: Natural Resources and Environment, Farming, Business Administration and Finance, Business Administration, Marketing and Sales and immediately notified the ICFES about these new programs.

This dream was crystallized when legal status was given to the Centro de Estudios Superiores, o Centro Universitario del Norte del Valle  (The two names that  La Corporación de Estudios Tecnológicos del Norte del Valle had in the past), with resolution No. 3712 issued on September 21st 1971   by the Valle del Cauca Governor,  and with the agreement No. 45  issued on July 10th  1975 by the ICFES  to open the following programs;  Accounting Technology and  Technology in Business and Administration. Also, by the agreement No. 251 issue on October 24th 1975, it was granted a license to open the program of Technology in Agricultural Management.

We are an institution of higher education, nonprofit, authorized to offer programs atto a professional level based on propaedeutic cycles generating skills, knowledge and research with scientific basis, to train professionals from a holistic perspective that strengthens them and generates a socioeconomic development in the construction of a new society. 

By 2020, we will be an institution with accredited programs, recognized for the quality, diversity and innovation of our services in teaching, researching and outreaching. With professionals supporting the development process of the region and the nation, involved with the international community.
Symbology Of The Coat Of Arms::Institutional Colors:

White: symbolizes purity.
symbolizes hope

Humanism and Science: Institutional Motto.
 COTECNOVA stands for: Corporación de Estudios Tecnológicos del Norte del Valle.
Books: representing the teacher and his knowledge and Olive Branches: represents the power  that knowledge gives.
1971: This is the year when the institution was founded, represents the background and experience.

Institutional Values
It was made in accordance with the rules of heraldry which is 1.20 meters by 1.50 meters. Its colors are white on the top half and green on the lower half and the center is located the coat of arms.
Managenet Bodies
The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the Corporation and it provides guidance and sets policies in concordance with the main objectives, to ensure they are accomplished.
The Board is responsible for ensuring the accomplishment of the objectives and policies set by the General Assembly. Their decisions are published in a document called ´´Acuerdos´´.
The Principal is the legal representative of the institution and must ensure the implementation of policies and guidelines in different fields like: teaching, researching, administrative and financial matters. Her decisions are published in a document called ´´Resoluciones´´.
The Academic Council is the highest academic institution and is an advisor of the Principal.

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